Tuesday 5 April 2016

Responsive: diverging idea

Our posters are liked by Orchard Pig!!!!!!
A very big motivation!

The four posters that we produced were supposed to be animated in gif to show further movements of the pigs in the farm which was our original plan. However Greta has some greater idea. She talked to her brother who has a job in advertisement,  advice to create a mascot character for Orchard Pig since them have not had one yet for PR. Mascot is used to represent a group with a common public identity, such as a brand name so that people be related with the company. Although they already has a pig in the logo, it is not eye catching and recognisable enough for a sprouting company. So
we think this is an good idea to increase their popularity and attract more customers instantly.

Research: I found out that Orchard Pig involved in events such as beer festival, sponsor training kit for local rugby team, christmas market etc which are very diverse and open to everyone. I also look at any possible events they can join, for instance different sport games, mascot in shopping mall,high street, Expos and TV commercial. Mascot are usually appear in such events or places where crowds form which enable cheap PR when people interact with them.  

Famous mascot such as Ronald McDonald and planters peanut work very well when promoting the company because we instantly related them to their company and will think about the product immediately. They all have big body will some dramatic features like bright colours; big eyes; big mouth, something that can catch attention.

Considering elements above, our group decided to create a 3D mascot for Orchard Pig using maya. We think the best way to present our idea is to use 3D model programme which could project our concept more professionally then 2D drawings. The model could also be edit with different photos in order to preview the situation in reality. Greta is in charge of the character design and mesh of the mascot while I am in charge of UV mapping and editing.

These are the original sketches of the mascot from Greta. We both agree on fat belly and big logo on the trousers also big ears to make it stand out from the crowd.

I like the design and it is fine to keep it simple I think since it would be handing out cider sample and other product at the events so we did not design any props for it to hold.

I think we need to keep cracking since the deadline is not far away. I love how we talk about the project every night in order to keep everything up to date and keep a record which enable me to track back information and interpret further idea. I am very happy with working in 3D that might enable our work to stand out from the rest of the competition and introduce individuality within the project. 

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