Tuesday 20 December 2016

[Extended Practice] Lauren's Character design[2]

More character designs for Lauren done during Christmas!

For Lauren, I decided to give her shorts because she looked more active than Maressa when little. I think it would make a good contract between her and her sister. She requested gaps in fringe which also makes the character looks more realistic. I tested out three styles, one with round eyes, natural facial expression; second one is more cartoon-y with longer eyes and less detailed eyes, hands are simplified a lot nearly have no knuckles; the last one has detail hair in strands and pupil, bigger size head.  Personally I like the second one because it looks more characterised and easier to animate and Lauren chose the first one. She wants it further simplified which I am more than happy to do!

For Maressa, I have more ideas for her character because she is the typical younger sister in my mind and her features are very distinguishable. I gave her a dress according to the photos Lauren gave me. She is always in two pony tails so I made her super cute. The first design lost a lot of body shapes and does not really focusing on a particular part of the body,. The facial expression is not bold but modest. It is the most unlike Maressa design. The second design has a squashed head, every facial features are concentrated and the head is the biggest part of the body. The third design has detail hair and facial expression drawn, ordinary body proportion, it is the most realistic design. The forth design is a combine of the previous three designs. I do not like the last design because it shows no characteristic because of the eyes and the lack of expressive facial features. Lauren ended up choosing the forth one which is also my favourite! I think the design of Lauren and Maressa would go well together with some changes and sure they are pretty easy to work with.

I also tested the adult look of both of them. I found it difficult to design detail characters for someone to work with. I always concern about the difficulties when other try to copy the design. Therefore I want the characters to be less realistic and less details. Picking most important features of face is harder than I thought... they do not look like the person in real life. It is so difficult!!! I need more practice before coming up with the final adult character design for Lauren.

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