Wednesday 10 February 2016

Applied Animation: Research: A New Hue

A New Hue from George Rigby on Vimeo.

I found this amazing animation on Vimeo which is similar to what we are aiming for in terms of style and concept despite in the use of 3D. The character design is very simple and cleverly build up by paper, acting on the stage of paper also, successfully draw attention along with the watercolour. Ridby edit the animation in maya and introduce watercolour texture using aftereffect. Watercolour is very hard to show in animation. t is very difficult to show the spread of colour digitally which has a distinguishable difference with the real watercolour. Although you will notice the digital colours in Ridby animation, he manages to make them look natural and spread beautifully across the stage, making an memorable and beautiful scene. One thing I like about watercolour is the spread of watercolour on the texturised paper so if I were making this animation, I would include texture of watercolour paper as well. In our applied project, we are introducing parchment paper texture at the background with traditional drawing on top which is going to show the natural-goodness of animation. I would like to find out the best way to animate the spread of paint in aftereffect like Ridby's animation, by experimenting both traditionally and digitally.

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