Wednesday 10 February 2016

Applied Animation: Storyboard and Animatic

Here are the refined storyboard done in Photoshop by me and Lauren. I want to follow Lauren's style to draw in fine lines so I tried. Oscar is making an animatics out of these without voice recording test I order to get a brief understanding on the timing.

I think the storyboard is nicely done and we have excellent communication through Facebook and goolge drive while we are at home. The work are shared immediately so that group mate can access and make changes which is very efficient and effective. The timing of the animatics might need to change a bit in order to match the final voice, we still need to decide on the look and style of the animation also how could we fuse in watercolor with line drawings. We have timetabled ourselves with a lot of tests and experiment and discuss which one we like eventually would be our finally style.

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