Friday 6 May 2016

Applied Animation: Animatic

I found it really hard to start the animation from plain. Especially for the timing. I was lost about the frame number and other stuffs since Oscar suggests that we are doubling the frame of 12 to make it 24 frames per second but we are using 18 frames per second for the transition part, for instance the line forming and the bunny turning bigger scene, the scenes that need to be super smooth. And these framing problem makes me so confused so I have the animatic re-export again with the timing shown on the bottom that I could refer to the timing while counting the frames that I need to do. This has helped and make the production so much easier.

I also started with all the key frames and marked the frame number in order to make it easier to fill in the frames in the middle. The animatic isn't showing what the characters are doing exactly so I have to use some imagination to complete the scene which is so exciting and worrying at the same time because I don't know if they would agree on the actions or not, so I keep close contact with OWL group and exchanging information through out the progress.

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