Saturday 7 May 2016

Applied Animation: DVD Cover design

A very sudden message from Emma on Friday afternoon
''Hi guys! I have some info about submissions for Applied on Monday. 
As a group you need to design a DVD cover and write a synopsis/ blurb on the back of that case. You will have to submit your disk in a DVD case with its cover. Although you've designed it as a group you will have to have your own individual copy of this case don't worry about the DVD screener mentioned in the submission info, Mike said we haven't been taught how to do it so we can't submit it''

To be frank I have not recently checked the e-studio and actually a bit shock that we have to actually have to have a DVD cover instead of the small CD case that we could find at the library in school. Therefore nearly all of us were rather nervous about this that we have to get a DVD cover within three days from nowhere. Luckily on Saturday Oscar said he found a DVD case from charity shop some we are using that instead! SAFE!

I want to make the cover since I feel like I have done so little. First I look for the actual DVD cover size and transfer the template into Photoshop.

I have learnt how to make the boarder from last responsive brief where I entered the penguin's book cover design, simply drag the ruler on the canvas and measure carefully for the size. 

Here are some designs of the case:

I applied a light watercolour at the back so that it would not look too plain just with the pencil title. Also Oscar wants to have thumbnails of the animation at the back of the cover therefore I try putting 3 to 6 thumbnails. Personally I think 6 thumbnails are too many and they will appear too tiny but Oscar like having 6 and I really do not mind. What's more, I also downloaded the same font he used for the credit in order to make everything consistent and representable.

I think there should be something more than just a title... a bit plain

Cover design with 3 thumbnails lined vertically and children's illustration at the front 

Cover design with 3 thumbnails lined randomly and without light watercolour painting

Cover design with 6 thumbnails and flipped the watercolour background

Final Designs

We want to have this design for our final DVD cover design because it looks the best out of the other designs. It has the texturised paper at the back together with the light watercolour painting. I also add the U rating symbol onto the cover to make it look more cool! Oscar and Lauren both concur on the design and I am waiting for Oscar to do the description since I am not confident enough for the writing bit.

Also he suggested that we should have two version of the cover without the texturised paper because the texture may not come out very nicely when printed so I take away the watercolour paper texture for safe.

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