Friday 6 May 2016

Applied Animation:Time management and further editing

We are at the stage just right on the final crit week and we have about finished the animation, just need final editing and finalising and we are on schedule!

About organising work, we have been using google drive for exchanging and share work we have done. It is so useful and handy when referring to work or just to keep update to other's work. Every file is clearly named and sorted to make sharing more efficient and reduce confusion on frames and scenes. 

We also always chat on facebook and share anything we have done.

I am in charge for the water colour backgrounds for the 'creativities' part of the children's imaginations. And I was advised by Oscar that I better fill the whole paper so that he could animate the colour more easily and so I did! it is actually easier to fill the whole paper than compact all the colours in a small corner. I use mult-colours even though is it just for one colour, like use different kinds of red and orange, a mixture of reddish colour for a post box; for the teddy as well. I like the gradient watercolour shows on paper and it is very soft and provide a lot of textures. The splashing water scene is the one I enjoy making the most. It's because I actually did splash the watercolours on to the paper in order to make the natural splashing effect which cannot be done by painting carefully and in detail. I love the final look and the mixture of blue gives a lot of definition and layers and I cannot wait to see it applied on the animation. The colour colours are for the kid's thought and the easter egg. Base on the first test on colour, I allow more colours to flow and interact with each other instead, enabling more natural mixture of colours and it is less artificial. I use a lot of bold colours like red, yellow and blue to make the colours pop from the dull background and line work which they will make contrast to and stands out.

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