Monday 20 April 2015

E4 development

I am more interested in working on E4 because it could be not so serious and free creativity.

Mood board!

I began with a few rough ideas and sketch of storyboards, hoping to settle on an idea quickly. I need to have a confirmed idea before starting all the preproduction work. I will see this as my advantage as I can fully concentrate on a project but at the same time, I might not think broadly enough of all possibilities and generate more ideas before working.

Tennis idea = heavy striking tennis ball on the ground 

Weird story... idea
I decided to use the first tennis idea and add cute animals to the story. The sheep is going to strike the tennis ball from the space back to the tennis court. The tennis ball is in E4 logo shape so not just shown at the end.

design on the tennis ball and the character. *it was initially badminton


The purple thing is the tennis ball

A coloured character design

Important thought...Reflection!
After all those work I have done, I do not feel interested in this ident brief anymore. Multi task is not how I work and this is probably why I struggle a lot with the ideas and development. I quickly run out of ideas and can not agree on any concept I have on this brief therefore it might be best to choose another brief to work on, which I can challenge myself while learning new techniques simultaneously. I think I am restricting myself with the similar media and style which forbid me progressing so it is important to step out of this comfort zone and experiment with different animating programme like after effects or flash. I am still able to change the brief and have enough time to complete detail research.

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