Thursday 9 October 2014

Storyboarding Nursery Rhymes (3): Mary had a little lamb -render-

We continue storyboarding today and I left early due to the horrible cold. Before I left, I managed to render the storyboard in ink pen. I appreciate the quality of line has improved a lot compare to the draft storyboard before. After that, I went home and carry on with the work and hope to push it further by giving them colours through photoshop.

The tools I use was simply selecting and cutting. I only want to use monotone because there are complicated buildings and environment which would be confusing to use too much colours. Also, using black can brings out the humours of the story even more.

I feel a little plain looking at the frames at the last part, therefore I darken the frames so as to emphasise only on the facial expressions and body language of the characters, hopefully, the audience would not feel that plain without an environment. However, I still want to try different colours to experiment a variety of outcomes. I think the composition has improved, I start having an idea what an effective storyboard will look like and how the camera angle can affect the atmosphere. I need to shortly describe the frames this week in order to state how and where the camera angles should be and explain a bit more about the actions.

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