Sunday 2 November 2014

Stop Motion Animation Identify- Wallace and Gromit

Wallace and Gromit: A Matter Of LoafF and Death

Wallace and Gromit, the classic clay motion animation that is known worldwide and has already built a reputation globally. A Matter of Loaf and Death is not the latest Wallace and Gromit movie but it has already set a high standard of filming and crafting at that time and which they are still maintaining at the present. As usual, the Wallace and Gromit movie was consisted of a huge amount of delicately made clay models and props also carefully constructed settings and backgrounds.

The making of Wallace and Gromit: A Matter Of LoafF and Death

In the video, they have introduced how the animation was made by the digital cameras, the staging and the making of the characters. I can see that they paid attention at every little details and being super professional about every little elements within the movie, for example the direction of the eyeball of the character whether it is looking correctly into the camera; exaggerate the facial expression of Gromit when he has trouble showing its brows while wearing a hat.

I think what is special about Wallace and Gromit as a clay motion animation is the precision the crews are looking for and obviously the reputation the studio has built up. Clay motion cannot achieve consistence easily but they have done better and better by having more experienced artists and improved shooting equipments. They have also created unique characters who have bold and memorable characteristics that add  a lot of playful elements to the movie.

I really like the details they put on every clay model and the way they create texture on clay. What is more, the models are relatively big so that the artists can easily adjust the gestures and other details during the shooting. If I am making a clay motion animation, I will also make my characters big and rigid so that they would not fall apart easily and could stay still during the shooting. I also like the way the studio shows liquid by clay like how they create little transparent plastic shapes to resemble raindrops. This way of creating liquid-like objects has not only embraced the quality of clay but has also explored the extreme that a clay can be capable with.

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