Sunday 16 November 2014

The classic elements development

We are given a topic, the classic elements, to produce a self directed project. I could not decide on which elements to work with therefore I made a mind map at the beginning to help myself identifying the potential of the elements and possibly choose an appropriate element to work on. 

After a few brainstorm, I noticed that water as an element would be fun to develop so I started sketching ideas down. I drew fantasy creatures like mermaid and dragon and marine life like dolphins and fish. I like the idea of letting tropical fishes as the main characters the most because I like the way they swim and the habitat they live.

I picked up the project after a few days again and I had another new ideas which is to use both air and water to produce a touching story. First, I list some ideas on my notebook about the combination of those two elements and I came up with: flying fish; Swimming balloon; Swimming bird (penguin); and Ballon fish. Balloon fish gave me the biggest inspiration therefore I made a rough storyboard and tested out different possibility on creating a story about balloons and fishes. I want to do some research on the facial expression of an object.

This is the second attempt on the storyboard. I quite enjoy the story in terms of the characters and the camera angels but there are some frames I do not know how to present them for example It is difficult for me to draw a boy who gets a jump due to a shock.

I was recommend to watch 'The Red Balloon' which is a film about a balloon that has a character. I found it extremely useful as my idea is similar to the film so there are some good reference and problem solving techniques I could learn from the film.

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